作者: BS Sekhon , Satwinderjit Kaur , Pritpal Singh
摘要: An experiment was conducted at two sites in Punjab state to evaluate the effect of a customized fertilizer (CF) with grade 16: 24: 9: 5: 0.7 (N: P: K: S: Zn) on yield and yield attributes of wheat crop (var PBW 550). The treatments involved considered a manufacturerrecommended dose of CF (MRDCF) providing basal 60kg N ha-1, 90kg ha-1 P2O5, and 35kg K2O ha-1 as standard dose (100% MRDCF). The other treatments involved graded doses of CF from 0 to 150% MRDCF through 50, 75, 100, and 125%. An additional comparison treatment involved use of CF as per state recommendations for N and P. The CF effect evaluated through observations on plant height, effective tillers, spike length, spike weight, 1000-grain test weight, grain and straw yield, agronomic efficiency of N (AEN), benefit-cost ratio, net returns, etc. indicated that using CF as per state recommendations gave the best results.