How online family history tool design and message content impact user perceptions: An examination of family HealthLink

作者: Sarah N Thomas , Shelly R Hovick , Naomi Tan , Amy C Sturm , Kevin Sweet



摘要: Background Family health history tools have the ability to improve health outcomes and promote patient-provider communication, but some research suggests their effectiveness is limited. Tool design features may heavily influence users’ perceptions of the tools. Aims This study provides a summative evaluation of the Family HealthLink tool, which assesses cancer and coronary heart disease risk based on personal and family health history, to better understand how tool design and message content impact user perceptions. Method User observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted with breast cancer patients (n= 16) and support persons (n= 18) at an academic comprehensive breast center. Results The users responded positively to many of Family HealthLink’s features, but they noted that it lacked a modern design. The participants felt much of the risk information was too generic and did not …
