作者: Somayeh Alaei , Saray Akbar Abdi , Rajabi Ahmad Bitarafan , Mohammad Ali Asgari , Asl Mahsa Noori
摘要: Background & Aims: Nowadays, imaging of the blood supply of the heart muscle by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) due to its non-invasive nature and providing information with physiological value and low cost compared to the valuable angiography method. It is highly diagnostic. But these images undergo changes and artifacts under the influence of factors, the result of which is the reduction of the diagnostic accuracy of the images and false positive cases. During the detection process, several physical effects such as attenuation, scattering, and collimator response function affect the frequency of emitted photons, this leads to the destruction of the contrast and as a result of reducing the quantitative and qualitative accuracy of the images. Attenuation, as the most destructive factor of SPECT images, reduces the quality of SPECT images of heart blood supply and reduces the sensitivity of tests related to the diagnosis of coronary artery diseases, and for non-uniform environments, especially in nuclear imaging of chest areas. And the heart is necessary to produce a map of patient attenuation coefficients. The existence of scattered photons is also one of the main factors of error in quantization, the detection of scattered events affects the contrast of the lesions and causes the lack of image resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, to correct the attenuation and scattering of the rays in the heart images quantitatively and qualitatively, patterns are needed in SPECT systems. Due to the importance of the topic, various research groups around the world have presented their …