作者: Sarah Letaief , Pierre Camps , Patrick Nicol , Thierry Poidras , Delphine Bosch
摘要: Can the magnetic measurements of relative fine particle concentrations be brought to a degree of confidence such that they could be used in future public policies? Through the participation of more than thirty households, a micro-scale air quality measurement study was made possible in a canyon street in Montpellier (France) where the traffic is about 7000 veh/day on a single line. Indeed, a kit containing the instructions, the installation protocol and two types of prototype passive dust filters: one for magnetic measurements and one other for chemical measurements have been distributed to the citizens. Some of them also received pots of ivy. The charge accumulation time was set to 3 months. The idea is to confront chemical measurements (providing information about the source of pollutants) with magnetic measurements of the relative concentration of traffic pollutants. The results from isothermal remanent …