Rice Pots or Not? Exploring Ancient Ifugao Foodways through Organic Residue Analysis and Paleoethnobotany.

作者: M. Eusebio , J. Ceron , S.B. Acabado , and J. Krigbaum



摘要: A number of cooking pots and associated plant remains have been recovered in recent excavations at the Old Kiyyangan Village in Ifugao, Philippines. These finds present the opportunity to explore the foodways of the precolonial Ifugao through organic residue and paleoethnobotanical analyses. Preliminary results of pottery residue and macrobotanical analyses are here integrated to build confidence for the identification of rice and other potential food items in their processed and/or cooked stage. By exploring the foodways of the Old Kiyyangan Village using these methods, we hope to contribute to larger scale issues of Ifugao society, including past social organization and the human-environment relationship.
