作者: FEV Santos , JM Araújo , WC Andrade
摘要: In the present study we compared the methods of sampling Fixed Area, Strand, for accuracy. The study was conducted in a stand of Eucalyptus spp., age 4, located at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais-Campus St. John the Evangelist (IFMG-SJE) inventoried by the two sampling methods, with 95% probability confidence. Parameters evaluated by sampling methods were: average volume (m3/ha); variance in m3/ha (s2), standard deviation, in m3/ha (s), coefficient of variation in% (hp) range confidence (ic); reliable minimum estimate m3 (emc), standard error of the mean in m3 (sy); volume estimated for the population (y); sampling error (and%). The results showed that there was little difference between the two methods, being the most recommended method Portion of fixed area that provided a standard error of the mean and sampling error smaller than the method …