作者: A Ciancio , A Loffredo , L Rosso , C Turturo , M Finetti-Sialer
摘要: English. Molecular probes were tested for the identification of nematodes and microbial antagonists. The probes, molecular beacons or Scorpion, detect corresponding complementary sequences in PCR amplicons. The resulting hybridization was highly specific and was revealed through the emission of fluorescence. Probes were used for the identification of Meloidogyne incognita and Pochonia chlamydosporia, detecting target sequences highly specific for each organism. For M. incognita, a set of three molecular beacons recognizing three regions of the ribosomal DNA were used to identify the species, using as starting material single disrupted juveniles or infested roots. For P. chlamydosporia, a Scorpion was used to detect the fungus through its 18S gene sequence. Some applications of the probes to both organisms are shown