Assessing exposure to lead in drinking water contaminated by corrosion of leaded solder

作者: Colin N Ramsay , TDB Lyons , Steven M Hankin



摘要: Background Leaded (Pb) solder used on domestic copper plumbing pipework, was identified as a source of lead contamination in the drinking water supply of newly completed houses in Scotland, despite a ban on its use. A survey of lead levels in the drinking water of 661 newly built houses throughout Scotland identified an average of 15%(CI 12.4%-18%) with excess lead (more than 5 µg/l Pb) compatible with the use of leaded solder on the pipework. In houses less than one year old, 31.4% had lead levels compatible with the use of leaded solder compared to 10% for houses aged three years. Follow-up studies of the houses identified as having excess water lead levels were conducted. Objectives(1) To assess the exposure to lead associated with the use of leaded solder on the domestic water supply pipework.(2) To determine if there was a correlation between water lead levels and blood lead levels of house …
