Gendering Climate Change in Moroccan Souss-Massa

作者: Loubna Ou-Salah



摘要: In previous research on environmental change and adaptive capacity, significant attention has been paid to analyzing demographic, and economic factors (McLeman & Gemenne, 2018). However, a notable gap exists in understanding the factors that shape individual decisions and behaviors (Van Praag et al., 2022). While there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that farmers' decision-making is more influenced by their beliefs and values than by the physical impacts of climate change, the predominant focus of research on farmers and climate change has been on assessing the tangible risks associated with a changing climate. It is crucial to grasp the concept of risk perceptions since they serve as the foundation for both the preference to take action in response to climate change and the specific information individuals rely on or require in order to initiate such actions (Steynor & Pasquini, 2019). There has been relatively less empirical research that delves into how social factors, such as the influence of agricultural advisors, shape farmers' beliefs, actions, and their perception of climate change risks. Thus, the exploration of the social factors driving environmental change and the reasons behind farmers' inaction in response to such changes remains an understudied area in this field (Petersen-Rockney, 2022). This paper serves as a comprehensive exploration into the intricate interplay of environmental risk and gendered experiences of them. It delves into the essential role of perception, specifically risk perception, and its relationship with gender in shaping adaptive capacity and resilience amidst environmental transformations (De …
