作者: LR Cardoso , MG de A Olivrira , FQ Mendes , CV Pires , FR Ribeiro
摘要: This work had as aim adjust a method to determinate the chymotrypsin inhibitors and realize the determination of the inhibitory activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin from four soyabean varieties obtained in the UFV programme of soyabean improvement for human consumption. The soyabean varieties were different in relation of the presence of lipoxygenases (LOX) and/or tripsin inhibitor Kunitz (KTI). The tests were realized with soyabean "in natura" and processed. The trypsin and chymotrypsin agents found were 0,0188 and 0,0127 respectively. The trypsin inhibitor activity, in mg/g of protein, obtained for the lineages "in natura" vary between 92,87 and 122,92. The soyabean flours exempt from KTI were the ones that present the lowest inhibitory activity. With the thermal procedure of 120°C/9 minutes was enough to inactive completely the inhibitors in the varieties exempt from KTI.