Business Development package for nutrient recycling at anaerobic digester including manual and guiding materials: a product from the H2020 project SYSTEMIC

作者: Marieke Verbeke , Claudio Brienza , Oscar F Schoumans , Lies Bamelis , Kurt Sys



摘要: This deliverable was carried out and published as a part of the European demonstration project SYSTEMIC funded by the H2020 programme (project number 730400). The project SYSTEMIC focuses at five large scale biogas plants where innovative nutrient recovery processing techniques were implemented and monitored. One of the tasks within the SYSTEMIC project is to develop a business development package (BDP) to support decision making for implementation of the innovative business cases in Europe.The Business Development Package (BDP) is a page on the SYSTEMIC website (see under “BDP”) 1 Here project results (Deliverables from WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP4) are summarised and available as easily digestible information for biogas plant owners. It provides a step-by-step approach in the exploration of nutrient recovery and reuse (NRR) on digestate.
