作者: Anne Kairu , Kiplagat Kotut , James Kairo , Robert Mbeche , None
摘要: Extensive research in forestry decentralization has been carried out to date. However, what is missing from these accounts is the constructions of meaning and interpretations of decentralization policies across time and space. Drawing upon the policy arrangement approach's four dimensions–rules, discourse, actors and power, we analyze the evolution of forest policies in Kenya and their implications on management of mangroves–a forest type that has received little research attention to date. Data were collected using a desk review of policy documents, archival and peer reviewed information complimented with 33 semi-structured interviews. The findings show that the shift to decentralized forest management has faced opposing discourses–inexhaustibility of mangroves, forest protection through restricted access, commercialization ostensibly to support resource conservation and use of technical arguments (such as requirement for communities to develop management plan before accessing use rights). Guided by these discourses central actors designed and implemented rules that promoted commercial harvesting of mangroves, marginalized local communities while entrenching state domination and control over mangrove forests. Our findings suggest that decentralized forest governance capacity can be improved by increasing the'common'understanding of participatory forest management. This can be achieved by changing from a top-down system of creating rules to a negotiated system involving local communities and other stakeholders. There is also need to change the discourses surrounding mangroves within agencies charged with …