作者: S Yasin , T Iqbal , Z Arshad , M Rustam , M Zafar
摘要: Automobile vehicle service stations are rapidly increasing in Pakistan with rise in growth of transportation. On average 20 to 30vehicles are washed daily at every car wash facility and each vehicle takes an average of 151.4 to 227.4 liter of water depending on size of the vehicle. To evaluate the water pollution caused by service stations waste water samples were collected from different service stations of Lahore. The samples were analyzed for BOD, COD, Oil and grease, pH, Alkalinity, Sulphates, Phosphates, Iron, Chlorides, suspended solids, settable solids, Chromium and Nickel. Laboratory analysis of the samples show that BOD is 5 times greater than National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQs), COD 7 times, Oil and grease 107 times, Iron 2 times and settable solids are 2 times greater than NEQs. These pollutants cause DO depletion, impairment in photosynthesis, fatality to aquatic life, toxicity to water resources, and human life. The study was conducted to address the environmental conditions prevalent at the service stations of Lahore, Pakistan to point out the present practices adopted by the workers and the potential impacts of these haphazard practices on lives of the workers, and the environment.