Emergence and reemergence of Glanders in India-a review.

作者: S Singh , M Mondal , Suman Kumar Suman Kumar , KK Mishra , Vandana Gupta Vandana Gupta



摘要: Glanders caused by Burkholderia mallei, is an infectious and zoonotic disease of equines. The natural reservoirs of B. mallei are horses, mules and donkeys. Although this malady has been eradicated from most countries, it has regained the status of a re-emerging disease because of the numerous recent outbreaks. Carriers are the potential source of infection for the healthy equines and play a crucial role in spreading of the infectious agent. Glanders is characterized by ulcerating nodular lesions in skin and mucous membrane. This organism can invade its host through mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract and the integument. Mechanisms of pathogenesis and virulence are not yet completely understood till date. A major problem when using serological tests for diagnosing glanders is the occurrence of false-positive and false-negative results leading to hazards in international trade with equines and the …
