作者: Karan Joshi Karan Joshi , M Mondal , Suman Kumar Suman Kumar , Shailendra Singh Shailendra Singh
摘要: Present communication reports unique cases of Plasmodium vivax infection complicated by joint pain. Detailed history and examination findings were recorded in all patients. Thin blood smears demonstrated P. vivax in all ailing individuals. Patient infected with Plasmodium vivax malaria depicted clinical signs of general weakness, uneasiness in walking, severe headache and altered consciousness. Haematological changes included hypohaemoglobinaemia, leukocytosis, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia in the patients. Biochemically patients had elevated serum total bilirubin and creatinine levels and increased serum aminotransferase activity. All cases were treated with artesunate and the patients were recovered successfully.