Tomasz Podgórski Wybiórczość i charakterystyka miejsc odpoczynku i polowania u rysia eurazjatyckiego (Lynx lynx) w Puszczy Białowieskiej

作者: Akademii Nauk w BiałowieŜy , Krzysztof Schmidt , Jolanta Bartmańska



摘要: Habitat selection by the Eurasian lynx is poorly known and has not been thoroughly investigated yet. The present study, conducted in BiałowieŜa Primeval Forest, Poland, aimed at analysing habitat characteristics important for lynx with regard to resting and hunting. Three lynx (2 females and 1 male) were radio-tracked and their resting sites and kill sites were determined and described. Additional data was obtained by snowtracking other individuals during winter seasons. Forty nine resting and 50 kill sites were found and twelve variables were measured at each of them and compared to random sites (n= 56). The influence of seasons on lynx habitat preference was also studied. Lynx showed no preference for any forest type when resting, but selection of a youngest age class of tree stands (5-20 years) was significant (p< 0.001). More than a half of resting sites were placed in thickets. Thickets were chosen for resting more frequently in winter than in summer (p< 0.05). The density of trees was higher and amount of understorey was greater (p< 0.01 and p< 0.001 respectively) in resting sites in comparison with random sites. Visibility in resting sites was very low, in both seasons lower than in random sites (p< 0.001). Lynx stayed nearby (< 50 m) and guarded their prey if the visibility in its vicinity was very low. Otherwise they chose more remote places for resting. The number of resting sites in the vicinity of roads (< 100 m) did not differ from that of random sites located likewise (p= 0.56). Surprisingly, lynx rested more often near busy roads. Neither type of forest nor its age was prefered by lynx for hunting. No seasonal variations were observed with …
