作者: S Pecorella , M De Luca , F Fonda , A Viviano , M Candelotto
摘要: Purpose/Objective For species listed in Annex V of Habitats Directive, EU Member States shall, if deemed necessary, take measures only because of surveillance work, to ensure that their exploitation is compatible with maintaining them in a favorable conservation status. However, game management plans are elaborated without specific data on local density, at official rates overpassing 90–100 % (i.e. Romania), while the main reproductive parameters of the species are not yet understood. Our aim was to investigate reproductive biology at the den site as a key element in defining lethal control policies or conservation measures. In Italy the species legal status is strictly protected. Material/Methods The study area is located in NE Italy on the lower Isonzo River catchment. First, we calculated the density performing a preliminary survey combining bioacoustics monitoring method (Giannatos 2004) and jackal litters opportunistic occurrence with camera trapping. Afterwards, we monitored 24 potentially suitable burrows during 2021 and 2022 breeding seasons with IR sensor cameras. Results The local density was 0.53–0.65 groups / 10 km2. One of the monitored burrows has been occupied by three adult jackals (one male, two females). In this site, one camera trap was active from 20/02/2022 to 30/06/2022, with 112 days of recordings and 18 days (four interruptions) without recording. 1814 videos of jackals were collected. Significant observations: 04/04 – last record of the dominant female pregnant; 09/04 – the dominant female brought inside the burrow 8 new-born jackals; 10/04 – a second female (helper) was observed at den site from this date …