作者: Ana Carbonell , Mariano García-Rodríguez , Pilar Pereda , Antonio Esteban-Acón , Gabriel Pomar-Vert
摘要: The red shrimp has being exploited for 50’years. Out of a total of hundred harbours, about 40% have developed a deep-water red shrimp fishery. Abundance of this species increased between 500 to 800 m., although their distribution reach 2000 m. The red shrimp contribute between 900-1500 Tn per year for all Spanish deep trawl fisheries. In the framework of several projects co-financed by the European Union DG XIV and The Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) data are being obtained on several demersal target species including the red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus, Risso 1816) which is the target species of the deep-bottom fishery. The sampling program began in 1991 by means of collaboration with fishermen associations and sampling at landing sites. Data about catch and effort are obtained continuously since that year. By means an on board observers program are obtained dates about: fleet characteristics, gears type, fishing grounds, mean depth, effective effort values, biomass and abundance of species values, both commercial discarded fractions, and size distribution of the target species. Estimation of biological parameters are obtained periodically. A computerised database is being developed to store all data recorded. Considering the fishery the total area was divided in several Subareas. It shows some resilience to overexploitation, although the fleet increase their fishing capacity continuously. Global discards for this fishery represent around 30% of the total catch. Nevertheless the discard of the target species is practically zero and is considered an accidental discard. The fishery exploits adults, which represent near 75% of …