作者: BP Healey , EF Murphy , J Brattey , NG Cadigan , MJ Morgan
摘要: The status of the cod stock in Subdiv. 3Ps was assessed during two separate meetings held in 2009. A zonal assessment process (ZAP) to review the status of five Atlantic Cod stocks including cod in Subdiv. 3Ps was held during February/March of 2009. A regional assessment process (RAP) was held during September/October of 2009, in which stock status was updated based upon information collected and analyzed during the spring and summer of 2009. Principal sources of information available for the assessments were: reported landings from commercial fisheries, oceanographic data, a time series of abundance and biomass indices from Canadian winter/spring research vessel bottom-trawl surveys, inshore sentinel surveys, science logbooks from vessels< 35ft, industry logbooks for larger (> 35 ft) vessels, and tagging studies. The total allowable catch (TAC) for the 2008/09 fishing season was set at 13,000 t …