作者: P Shahul Hameed , R Krishnamoorthy , HE Syed Mohamed , VP Venugopalan , SV Narasimhan
摘要: The present study was carried out on the distribution of temperature and other major physico-chemical parameter in the condenser discharge canal and the adjacent area of sea at the nuclear power plant site at Kalpakkam, located 64km south of Chennai. The MAPS uses seawater for condenser and auxiliary cooling in its once-through system. The discharge canal is 2km long and lies parallel to the coast before it mixes with the open sea. Investigations were carried out to study the major water quality parameters such as surface temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, total suspended solid and nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate) through monthly boat cruise and regular shore sampling. During southwest monsoon period (June-September) the discharge from condenser flows 0.5 to 2.0 km parallel to the coast and then mixes with the coastal waters. During the Northeast monsoon period (November-February) the discharge from the condenser water directly mixes with the coastal water. Physico-chemical parameters are influenced by the monsoon rain as well as by the seasonally reversing current. (author)