作者: JB Ulvund , T Kristensen , HA Urke , JA Alfredsen
摘要: ResultsData on lumpfish spatial behaviour were collected from a commercially stocked salmon production cage from early November until late December 2016. No fish died or showed signs of unnatural behaviour caused by the surgical implantation and handling. Cleaner fish hides were deployed over the north, west and south sides of the sea cage during the period, and there was a strong correlation between the individual fish'preferred location and the locations of the hides (Fig 2.). Moreover, of a total of 16 357 positions acquired during the study, 95% remained closer than seven meter from the net wall, indicating a tendency of the lumpfish to reside close to the sea cage perimeter and almost never dwell in the central parts of the cage. The observations also showed that lumpfish were inclined to occupy the north-western areas of the cage. This specific aquaculture site has a dominating northerly current …