Surprise Hit or the Blind Date from Hell? Complementarities and Conflicts in Strategies for Achieving Outcomes from Social Marketing and Modern Regulation

作者: Stefan Kaufman , Jim Curtis



摘要: Many conversations I have with social marketers unfamiliar with regulatory authorities taper off when I mention that I work for one:“oh, that’s interesting; I work on voluntary behaviour changes though”. This is despite notable social marketing by regulators in Victoria alone (ie Transport Accident Commission and Work Safe Victoria). Globally, social marketing techniques have targeted behaviour changes with a regulatory dimension, such as litter prevention, stormwater pollution, taxation compliance and many more (Kotler & Lee 2008, Mackenzie-Mohr 2011). Work is also emerging relating behaviour change frameworks to key intervention functions (eg, norms, persuasion, incentives and coercion) and the policy tool frameworks that deliver them (eg, regulation, fiscal measures, communication/marketing)(Mitchie 2011; Rothschild 1999). This paper aims to spread the notion that regulators often must use marketing, education and any number of intervention methods over and above coercion and incentivisation, and that marketers may find new and interesting challenges in helping us.
