Status: Discussion (BG Discussions) Anonymous Referee# 1 However, I have some concerns about the design and the novelty of this study. Comment: The first goal of this study as mentioned in Page 3 L 26 seems too obvious. It should be clear that

作者: Linas Balčiauskas , Raminta Skipitytė , Marius Jasiulionis , Laima Balčiauskienė , Vidmantas Remeikis



摘要: Answer: We thank Anonymous Referee# 1, and extend the Aim (P3, L24-25) with „immediacy “. Now Aim is formulated as „The aim was to evaluate immediacy of the effects of the transfer of biogens from the aquatic to terrestrial ecosystem by an expanding great cormorant colony, ie, how rapidly nitrogen derived from the great cormorants was used by primary produces and the consumers at higher trophic levels.“. Such formulation corresponds to the Abstract as well.Comment: Even if this were one of their goals, the presented data would seem not enough to achieve the goal. The data used for this purpose were the isotopic signatures of two species of small mammals at a single control site in 2014 and at the same site but inhabited by the great cormorants in 2015. I think that replicated study sites would be necessary to examine statistically the effects of colony expansion on the isotopic signatures of consumers.
