作者: Sudeif Ahadpour , Forouzan Mirmasoudi
摘要: We demonstrate that oscillating two-spin molecule can lead to optimal teleportation in noisy environment. In order to teleport one and two qubit states through, a scheme is proposed for quantum channel where is induced from an oscillating two-spin molecule in present field. Given that biological systems are hot and with extremely high levels of noise, we suppose that the initial state of the molecule is its seprable state as some as it is coupled to a hot and noisy environment, in which no entanglement can recur. When the distance between the spins is oscillating generation of entanglement can persist. The model reveals that the dynamics of entanglemnt depends crucially on oscillating molecule initial conditions and the spin distance can be utilized as control parameters for optimal teleportation. We can observe that the increase of the initia spin distancen have led to the decrease in the value of the quantum correlations and average fidelity. The results also provide that the average fidelity can have larger than 2/3 in front of the noise environment with oscillating molecule. Success in quantum states transfer with the oscillating molecule in present noisy environment establishes the importance of studying biological systems.