Network Bandwidth allocation with end-to-end QoS constraints and Revenue Sharing in Multidomain Federations Internal Report

作者: Isabel Amigo , Pablo Belzarena , Federico Larroca , Sandrine Vaton



摘要: Internet traffic is likely to continue increasing in a non-stop fashion. Recent studies [1] show that not only the tendency is to increase in amount but in quality requirements as well, since the applications which are envisioned to have the greatest increase are those with real time characteristics. Nowadays, the focus of telecommunication market is on best effort content and in order to meet customer expectations telecommunications companies are forced to invest in capacity, without getting sufficient return on these investments to have sustainable businesses. In addition, the deployment of technologies that provide large access bandwidth, like FTTH, suggest that the premise of infinite capacity core will no longer be acceptable, leading to the need for more complex routing strategies. The ever evolving features provided by the handset terminals, and the growing number of connection capable equipments, constitute …
