作者: Jyoti Mehraa , PD Saharea , Ranju Ranjana , Numan Salahb , SP Lochabb



摘要: Thermoluminescence (TL) is a good tool to investigate materials and has many applications in diverse fields, but it is more popular for dosimetry of ionizing radiations. The present paper reports the TL of ã-rays irradiated LiNaSO4: Cu and LiNaSO4: P phosphors (with Zeff» 15). TL glow curve of LiNaSO4: Cu phosphor has a simple structure with a prominent peak at 137 0C along with smaller one at 205 0C. Similarly, LiNaSO4: P sample, it has a major peak at 152 0C, beside a minor one at 210 0C. The TL intensities of these phosphors are found to be 3.3 and 4.25 times of the standard CaSO4: Dy phosphor. These intensities have been optimized with appropriate concentration of activators. The position of the main peaks of these phosphors along with the growth of the higher temperature peaks has been observed to be dependent of the impurities concentrations. With increasing the dopants concentration, the 137 and 152 0C peaks of Cu and P doped LiNaSO4 samples are observed to shift to the lower temperature side and the corresponding higher peaks ie, 205 and 210 0C are vanishing. These results, however, might be a useful tool to understand the TL mechanism and the role of these activators for generating trapping/luminescent centers inside the host of such materials.
