作者: Edwin A Ubieko , Adaeze L Onugwu , John DN Ogbonna , Ebere Okoye , Callistus D Nwakile



摘要: Aim and objective: Pectin, a natural polymer, is often extracted from Citrus sinensis fruit peels under slightly acidic circumstances. It is a multipurpose pharmaceutical excipient that has been researched for its possible use in oral solid dosage forms. The study's goal was to describe the pectin that was extracted from Citrus sinensis fruit peels.Methods: Pectin was produced using acidified water and a Soxhlet apparatus. Following phytochemical screening, the extracted pectin was calculated for its micromeritics properties, flow behavior, viscosity, and swelling index, utilize an acidified water-based extraction technique.Results: Total 8.00% yield was achieved when producing pectin. The phytoconstituents of the extracted pectin include carbohydrate, protein, alkaloids, and mucilage. The organoleptic properties of the extracted pectin include; brownish, odorless, orange juice taste, amorphous powder with melting point of 151ºC. The extracted pectin from C. sinensis fruit peel showed good flow properties (angle of repose: 29±02), an ash value of 2.03 percent by weight, and a loss on drying of 0.70 percent was discovered. The pH was found to be 3.5, suggesting that it may be consumed orally without any irritation. Extracted pectin was soluble in methanol, hydrochloric acid, and warm water. It formed lumps in cold water and was insoluble in certain organic solvents including ethanol, acetone, and alkali.Conclusion: The outcomes of the evaluated parameters showed that pectin from the C. sinensis plant's peel might be used as a pharmaceutical excipient to make solid oral dosage forms such tablets and powder for oral suspension.
