Development of colon targeted poly-herbal tablets using tamarind seed polysaccharide

作者: DEVI D RAMYA , G Rajalakshmi , SN Kanchalochanaa , None



摘要: Triphala churna contains Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki in combination of 1 part each. It is indicated for its astringent, laxative and anti-bacterial activity, administered at doses of 1-3 gm with hot water or honey. The present work involves the formulation of Triphala churna as tablets by wet granulation method, to increase the stability as single unit dosage form and to mask the bitter taste of the powder. Tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP) isolated from the kernel of tamarind seeds is used as the binder for the tablet formulation since it is degraded by the enzymes present in the colon region, so that the drug release is more in the lower part of the intestine, which is the site for increased absorption and its pharmacological action. The formulation is optimized by changing the concentration of TSP binder as the variable. The powder and granules are evaluated for pre-formulation parameters and optimized for tablet compression with required hardness. The addition of TSP in tablets show good disintegration in alkaline media with enzymes and ensure complete release of the drug. The microbial load and XRF studies performed for the optimized batch of tablets prove the formulation’s sterility, stability and standard limits of metal ions concentration.
