Study on the small mammal communities from the Lotrioara River Basin (Lotru Mountains)

作者: AM Benedek , I Sîrbu , M Coţofană



摘要: The studies on the small mammal communities, carried out in the Lotrioara river basin during one and a half year, using live traps, have revealed the dominance of the forest species-Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemusjlavicollis. At 850 m altitude C. glareolus is dominant during the cold season whereas A. Jlavicollis is more abundant in the summer. This proves that vertical migrations take place along the valley, during the year. The density of the small mammals communities is influenced by the climatic conditions, being much lower during the cold and humid periods. pp. 4 5 5 4 6 4 Vol. XLIVRCsumi. Les recherches entreprises pendant 1, 5 ans dans la Vallte de Lotrioara, usant des trappes pour captures vivantes, ont relevt la dominance des espkces forestikres-Clethrionomys glareolus et Apodemus $ avicoNis-dans touts les habitats investiguks. Regardant la dynamique des ces espkces on a constate qu'i I …
