作者: Muhanad T Almayyahi , Basil A Saleh , Baqer A Almayyahi
摘要: 1Polyesters are containing at least one group of ester per repeating unit within the main polymer chain (Deopura, et al., 2008). Polyester is considered as one of the most important industrial polymers because of its excellent properties. The polyesters are either natural or industrially prepared (Valerio, et al., 2018; Goodlaxson, et al., 2018). The natural polyesters are characterized by their ability to biodegradation, while the industrially polyester prepared are mostly non-biodegradable (Yousif, et al., 2012), and possess high moisture resistance, fire resistance, good thermal properties and environmentally stable (Mittal, 2011).