Micro vs. macro reinforcement of brickwork masonry

作者: Vlatko Bosiljkov



摘要: In this paper the effect of different modifications of mortar on the behaviour of brick masonry has been experimentally studied. Two modifications of ordinary cement lime rich mortar were made by introducing polypropylene fibres (micro reinforcement) and by reinforcing mortar bed joints by means of non-metallic meshes (macro reinforcement). Experimental tests were carried on the constituents of the masonry, as well as on masonry specimens consisting of wallettes and panels. Following different methodologies of testing masonry by means of compressive, diagonal and shear tests, the results of the investigation revealed that by reinforcing masonry material both compressive and tensile (shear) strength could be improved. Also from the results of the different test methods, it has been concluded that diagonal tests are not suitable for investigations of reinforced masonry.
