作者: J Smeby , A Sveen , CH Bergsland , J Bruun , M Merok
摘要: Background: In the present study we report the distribution and prognostic impact of KRAS and BRAF mutations according to microsatellite instability (MSI) status and consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in colorectal cancer (CRC).Methods: A total of 1197 primary tumor samples from a consecutive series of patients treated surgically for stage I-IV CRC at Oslo University Hospital, Norway, were included in the study. Comprehensive clinical and pathological data were prospectively collected for all patients. Mutation analyses were performed for hotspots in KRAS (exon 2: codon 12 and 13, exon 3: codon 61) and BRAF (exon 15: codon 600) and MSI-status was determined. A subset of samples were analyzed for gene expression using exon-level microarrays and classified according to the CMS groups of CRC, with confident classification obtained in 317 samples. To increase the number of samples with CMS …