Weitere Analyse der lokalen Defektkorrektur-Methode

作者: PJJ Ferket , AA Reusken



摘要: We analyze a special case of the Local Defect Correction (LDC) method introduced in [4]. We restrict ourselves to finite difference discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems. The LDC method uses the discretization on a uniform global coarse grid and on one or more uniform local fine grids for approximating the continuous solution. We prove that this LDC method can be seen as an iterative method for solving an underlying composite grid discretization. This result makes it possible to explain important properties of the LDC method, e.g. concerning the size of the discretization error. Furthermore, the formulation of LDC as an iterative solver for a given composite grid problem makes it possible to prove a close correspondence between LDC and the Fast Adaptive Composite grid (FAC) method from [8–10].
