作者: Maria José Brenhas , Rosário Machado , Maria Alzira Dinis , Nelson Barros
摘要: Aiming to understand the co-incineration process, the sistema integrado de tratamento e eliminação de resíduos, sA (sisAV), in chamusca, and the cimpor, in souselas, both in portugal, were the two facilities visited to that purpose. it is possible to conclude that the treatment of atmospheric emissions, the main concern associated to conflicts in co-incineration, does not substantially differ from the one used in facilities where fossil fuel is burnt, except in what concerns to some additional equipment that must be installed. though it is not possible to state that this is the ideal solution to solve the hazard waste problem, it has advantages such as the use of pre-existing facilities and, at the same time, the use of nonrenewable energy sources is minimized.