Comparison of power efficiency on grid level

作者: Wina Graus , M Voogt , D Phylipsen



摘要: This study is a follow up of the study 'Efficiency of power generation; a country comparison', which provides an overview of energy efficiency of coal-fired and gas-fired power generation on a country level. This study aims at providing an overview from a slightly different angle, by trying to incorporate the influence of power grid interconnections between countries. Although all electricity grids in Europe are interconnected, there are a number of markets that operate fairly independent. These are the Nordic market (Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway), the Iberian market (Spain and Portugal), Central (Eastern European countries) and UK plus Ireland. Most other countries in Europe have strongly integrated power grids and show large quantities of import and export of power to neighbouring countries. Especially Germany and France export large quantities of electricity to e.g. the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. This analysis aims at making a comparison of fossil-fired power generation efficiency (coal, oil and gas) for the Nordic market (Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway aggregated), Germany, France, UK + Ireland, Japan, US and China. This selection of countries and regions is based on discussions with the client. The analysis is based on the methodologies described in other reports. Only public plants are taken into account, including public combined heat and power production (CHP) plants. For the latter, a correction for heat extraction has been applied. The methodology for this benchmark study is described in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the efficiency of fossil-fired power generation.
