Plan to reduce other greenhouse gases; Reductieplan Overige Broeikasgassen

作者: M GM Harmelink , J JD Van der Steen



摘要: In Kyoto the issue of the non-CO2-greenhouse gas emissions has been placed on the agenda. The parties agreed upon the absolute reduction of a basket containing six greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and three fluorine components (HFC's, PFUs en SF6). Hereby the parties have committed themselves to reduce the emissions of the non-CO2-greenhouse gases as part of their climate policy. In the Netherlands this resulted in a separate programme for the non-CO2 greenhouse gases, which aims at reducing 8 Mton CO2-eq. in the period 2008-2010. This is nearly 30% of the target set for emission reductions within the Netherlands. The distribution of the emission-target of 8 Mton among the different emission sources and the activities started to reach the target are described. 4 refs.
