Extreme CO2-reductions. Effect on the emissions of NOx, SO2, PM10 and VOC; Vergaande CO2-reducties. Effecten op de emissies van NOx, SO2, fijn stof en VOS

作者: M GM Harmelink , R MM Van den Brink , D Stein



摘要: In the Second Memorandum on Climate Change the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) announced to conduct a long term climate outlook in order to investigate the possibilities and costs of extreme CO2-reductions. First part of the outlook was conducted by the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) who investigated the possibilities of a reduction of the Dutch greenhouse gas emissions by 32% in 2020 compared to 1990. Two policy alternatives `Management and Control` and `Markets`, founded on the Global Competition scenario used in the Long Term Outlook were elaborated. In order to realize such extreme CO2-reductions ECN concluded that options such as the import of biomass and the capture and storage of CO2 (backstops) must be considered. RIVM looked at the changes in the local emissions of NOx, SO2, PM10 and VOC as a result of the CO2-measures in two policy alternatives. The main conclusion is that with the reduction of CO2 a simultaneous reduction of these emissions is reached by 8% - 30 %. Combining new technologies (e.g. fuel cells) and backstop techniques offers prospects for a further reduction of these emissions up to 50% of the level compared to the existing policy in the Netherlands. 34 refs.
