Alpar, HO, see Eyles, JE 189, 75 Andersson, SB, see Kvist, C. 189, 57 Ashton, DS, AD Ray, K. Valko, Detection of the principal synthetic route indicative impurity in Lamotrigine 189, 239

作者: E Guerin , P Tchoreloff , B Leclerc , D Tanguy , M Deleuil



摘要: Baillet, A., see Potard, G. 189, 247 Belic, A., see Chicco, D. 189, 145 Berglund, J., see Kvist, C. 189, 57 Biziulevicius, GA, V. Z&ukaite;, Lysosubtilin modification, Fermosorb, designed for polymeric carrier-mediated intestinal delivery of lytic enzymes: pilot-scale preparation and evaluation of this veterinary medicinal product 189, 43Chicco, D., I. Grabnar, A. S&kerjanec, D. Vojnovic, V. Maurich, N. Realdon, E. Ragazzi, A. Belic, R. Karba, A. Mrhar, Correlation of in vitro and in vivo paracetamol availability from layered excipient suppositories 189, 145 Choi, H.-G., see Yun, M.-O. 189, 135 Cortesi, R., see Esposito, E. 189, 29 Couarraze, G., see Guerin, E. 189, 91
