作者: E Guerin , P Tchoreloff , B Leclerc , D Tanguy , M Deleuil
摘要: Baillet, A., see Potard, G. 189, 247 Belic, A., see Chicco, D. 189, 145 Berglund, J., see Kvist, C. 189, 57 Biziulevicius, GA, V. Z&ukaite;, Lysosubtilin modification, Fermosorb, designed for polymeric carrier-mediated intestinal delivery of lytic enzymes: pilot-scale preparation and evaluation of this veterinary medicinal product 189, 43Chicco, D., I. Grabnar, A. S&kerjanec, D. Vojnovic, V. Maurich, N. Realdon, E. Ragazzi, A. Belic, R. Karba, A. Mrhar, Correlation of in vitro and in vivo paracetamol availability from layered excipient suppositories 189, 145 Choi, H.-G., see Yun, M.-O. 189, 135 Cortesi, R., see Esposito, E. 189, 29 Couarraze, G., see Guerin, E. 189, 91