Sustainability, corporate governance and organizational performance: five essays.

作者: Contabilidad y Finanzas , Eduardo Ortas Fredes , Igor Álvarez Etxeberria



摘要: This PhD dissertation aims to contribute to three knowledge fields that are closely linked: i) corporate governance; ii) business sustainability; and, iii) organizational performance. This thesis comprises five research studies, so that the dissertation is constructed under the publications compendium model. The dissertation analyze, from an international perspective, the influence of different corporate governance mechanisms on companies’ sustainability performance. Furthermore, it provides two studies that go deeper in that relationship by addressing the determinants of Ecoinnovation and voluntary environmental certifications effect over Environmental performance. This will bring some help to companies’ managers at the time of adopting strategic decisions to achieve enhanced social and environmental performance.In this way, the main objective of the dissertation is to evaluate whether several corporate governance mechanisms and processes and proactive environmental strategies make it possible for companies to make specific contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(Schönherr, Findler, & Martinuzzi, 2017). The main methodology applied in this thesis is the meta-analysis and the metaregression. These approaches provide the opportunity to obtain additional empirical evidence based on the systematic review of previously published empirical works on one field or topic (Borenstein, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). With that goal in mind, this dissertations is structured in the following way. The first article presents the state of the art of research on common issues in business performance …
