What happens to children with low back pain at 14? A study of pain trajectories from 14 to 22 years of age

作者: Amber Beynon , Jeffrey J Hebert , Charlotte Lebouef-Yde , Darren Beales , Angela Jacques



摘要: Methods: Data were obtained from psychometric measures completed by patients at admission and discharge to examine program effectiveness and differences in pain experience. These included bothersome symptoms, pain intensity, pain-related disability, depression, anxiety, catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, sensitivity to pain traumatization, stages of change, acceptance of pain, and satisfaction measures. Results: MANOVA was used to examine session (admission-discharge) by group (veteran-nonveteran) differences on psychometric measures using SPSS. Data analysis yielded significant differences from admission to discharge and between veterans and nonveterans on catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, sensitivity to pain traumatization, pain acceptance, stages of change, and pain coping, all favoring veterans.Discussion/Conclusions: Evidence supports the effectiveness of the interdisciplinary pain management program in addressing chronic pain and comorbidity in veterans and non-veterans and provides insight into how pain is experienced differently by veterans. Further research on veteran chronic pain would provide more insight into the unique pain experience within this group.
