Novel Classes of Bipolar Soft Generalized Topological Structures: Compactness and Homeomorphisms

作者: Hind Y Saleh , Baravan A Asaad , Ramadhan A Mohammed



摘要: The purpose of this paper is to define bipolar soft generalized compact sets and bipolar soft generalized compact spaces. The structures of -centralized bipolar soft generalized closed sets collection in a bipolar soft generalized compact space are given. Moreover, some main properties of bipolar soft generalized compactness are discussed and their relationships are studied. The concept of a bipolar soft generalized compactness is introduced and it investigates under what condition a bipolar soft generalized topological space forms a bipolar soft generalized compact space. The relation between bipolar soft generalized compact space and soft generalized compact space is proposed. Furthermore, some further properties of bipolar soft mappings, such as bipolar soft composite mappings, are presented and some of their characteristics are explained. Additionally, novel classes of bipolar soft mapping such as …
