Cell lineage choice during differentiation of trophoblast stem cells (tsc) is dependent on oxygen levels, and mediated by stress enzyme pathways and mitochondrial function

作者: Sichang Zhou



摘要: In general, stress is defined as a noxious factor in a broad spectrum (chemical, biological or physical). Stress response of human body can be divided into three levels-integrate, organ/tissue or cellular response. Trophoblast stem cell (TSC) is one of the earliest differentiated stem cell within blastocyst, which is the stage of preimplantation embryo developed from fertilized egg. Different from another pluripotent embryonic stem cell, which is derived from inner cell mass in blastocyst and develop into fetus, multipotent TSC will specifically differentiate into all kinds of cell subtypes consisting of placenta by which nutrient and oxygen from mom as well as metabolites from fetus can be exchanged.
