Meat-Eating Justification Scale

作者: Hank Rothgerber



摘要: Developed for use in a study on masculinity and the justification of meat consumption, the Meat-Eating Justification Scale (MEJ; Rothgerber, 2013) assesses the extent to which participants used different strategies to justify meat consumption. The MEJ items were generated using four methods:(a) interviews with vegetarians;(b) interviews with nonvegetarians;(c) a review of the literature on vegetarianism; and (d) brainstorming and critique by the research team. Nine strategies for justifying eating meat were identified conceptually and each was assessed with three items. All items were scored on a 9-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree; 9= strongly agree) indicating agreement with the statements. The 27 items together displayed solid reliability (alpha=. 85). With the exception of dichotomization, the scales tended to be significantly correlated with each other. Dissociation and avoidance tended to be negatively …
