Effect of putrescine on the germination of rice seeds undr suboptimal temperature

作者: Zhu Cheng , Huang Tao , Zeng Guangwen



摘要: With different concentrations of Putrescine (Put) for rice--soaking, we investigated its effects on seed germination at sub--optimal and optimal temperatures. the results showed that Put--treatment (0.01---0.1 mmol/L) enhanced seed germination and index of germination and rigour of the rice seed at sub--optimal temperature (16±1℃), but on effects at optimal temperature (28±1℃). It was found that the effect of Put on the germination of rice seed was connected with temperature. In mean time, we also found that Put--treatment enhanced the synthesis of alpha--amylase, increased the ATP content and the respiration intensity during seed germination at sub--optimal temperature (16±1℃).
