摘要: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and affordable computing power have advanced considerably in recent years, bringing full 3D simulation of complex high Reynolds number flows within reach of industry. However, providing accurate and trustworthy results in diverse flows with constraints on computational resources is still a considerable challenge. Owing to the complexity of commonly-encountered turbulent flows, robust turbulence models are required which do not have to be manually tuned to specific flow conditions to ensure their accuracy. In this regard, a highly effective approach is unstructured mesh adaptivity which automatically refines or coarsens the mesh locally in order to achieve a desired accuracy with minimum computational effort. However, the use of such adaptive meshes with turbulence models raises questions about the origins and interactions of various errors. This thesis describes the development, verification and validation of robust turbulence models suited to high Reynolds number single-phase turbulent flow using unstructured adaptive meshes. The main focus of this thesis is a new tensorial dynamic large eddy simulation (LES) model. The novel combination of the dynamic LES method with a tensorial definition of filter width is ideal for capturing the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of turbulence. This model is designed for use with unstructured mesh adaptivity, which enables the simulation of turbulent flow with high efficiency in terms of mesh resolution. Furthermore, the model is robust since both the resolution and the sub-filter-scale (SFS) stresses adapt to local flow conditions so that little a priori knowledge of the …