作者: AJ de S Barbosa , PM Gomes , ARR Cabral , KM da Silva , FL da Silva
摘要: Aiming to evaluate the behavior of sows submitted to nasal ring insertion, eight commercial strain female were used, four were submitted to the ring insertion process and four were considered control. The animals were observed for 23 days after the insertion of the rings (cicatrization period). The observed behaviors of rooting, rubbing in the tree, eating part of the tree, digging, bathing in the mud, grazing, presenting active and resting behavior, presenting positive and negative social behavior, drinking water and investigating were arranged in an etogram and observed by scan sampling method. The lasting of voluntary intake (minutes) was observed by the focal method. The behavior data were transformed into frequency and submitted to the Chi2 test and the voluntary intake submitted to the T test. The rooting behavior was not observed in ringed females during the studied period, in the control females this …