摘要: Prediction of flow and combustion in IC engines remains a challenging task. Traditional Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) methods and emerging Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques are being used as reliable mathematical tools for such predictions. However, RANS models have to be further refined to make them more predictive by eliminating or reducing the requirement for application based fine tuning. LES holds a great potential for more accurate predictions in engine related unsteady combustion and associated cycle-tocycle variations. Accordingly, in the present work, new advanced CFD based flow models were developed and validated for RANS and LES modelling of turbulent premixed combustion in SI engines. In the research undertaken for RANS modelling, theoretical and experimental based modifications have been investigated, such that the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) model can be applied to wall-bounded combustion modelling, eliminating its inherent wall flame acceleration problem. Estimation of integral length scale of turbulence has been made dynamic providing allowances for spatial inhomogeneity of turbulence. A new dynamic formulation has been proposed to evaluate the mean flame wrinkling scale based on the Kolmogorov Pertovsky Piskunow (KPP) analysis and fractal geometry. In addition, a novel empirical correlation to quantify the quenching rates in the influenced zone of the quenching region near solid boundaries has been derived based on experimentally estimated flame image data. Moreover, to model the spark ignition and early stage of flame kernel formation, an improved version of the …