Hypoxia as a stimulus for tissue formation: The concept of organogenesis in microsurgically vascularized tissue engineering constructs

作者: Ahmad Eweida , Elli Sandberg , Oliver Ritthaler , Jens Fleckenstein , Yasser Abo-Madyan



摘要: Axial vascularization of tissue constructs is essential to maintain an adequate blood supply for a stable regeneration of a clinically relevant tissue size. The versatility of the arterio-venous loop (AVL) has been previously shown in various small and large animal models as well as in clinical reports for bone regeneration. We have previously demonstrated the capability of the AVL to induce axial vascularization and to support the nourishment of tissue constructs in small animal models after applying high doses of ionizing radiation comparable to those applied for adjuvant radiotherapy after head and neck cancer. We hypothesize that this robust ability to induce regeneration after irradiation could be related to a state of hypoxia inside the constructs that triggers the HIF1 (hypoxia induced factor 1) - SDF1 (stromal derived factor 1) axis leading to chemotaxis of progenitor cells and induction of tissue regeneration and …
