作者: ADA Hansen , H Rosen , T Novakov
摘要: Recent studies have shown that large concentrations of graphitic carbon particles are found in the atmosphere in both urban and remote locations. 1 These particles are produced in combustion and have a large optical absorption cross section, of the order of 10 m2/g. Their presence affects radiation transfer through the atmosphere, causing visibility Cdegradation2 and possible changes in the regional or global radiation balance. 3 The size of these effects depends critically on both the particle concentration and their singlescattering albedo, 4 which is determined by the relative magnitude of the scattering and absorption coefficients. The scattering coefficient is easily measured by nephelometry. 5, 6 In this paper, we report on the development of bl. f h I' f I b'7 a porta e Instrument or te rea-tIme measurement 0 aerosoa sorptIon. We have named this instrument the aethalometer, derived from the Greek word a16aAOUV," soot."