Aphasia and closed head injury: Clinical picture and restitution

作者: Dragan M Pavlović , Gordana G Ocić , Elka D Stefanova , Saša S Filipović , Živorad Đorđević



摘要: Out of the group of 47 patients with closed head injuries 15 patients with the distinct clinical features of aphasia were selected /31.9%/. In the selected group of patients the analysis of the contusion focuses localization on the basis of the findings of the brain computed tomography was performed. The language functions were examined by the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination. The most frequent occurrence of transcortical sensory aphasia /7 patients/, two patients for each motor, sensory and global aphasia, one patient with anomia and one with transcortical motor aphasia were revealed. The localization of injured brain in patients with global, motor, sensory and transcortical sensory aphasia corresponded to anatomic injuries that are characteristic of vascular aphasia although the frequency of the types is different. The re-testing of language functions was carried out in 8 patients after 2 to 9 months. Rehabilitation was more successful in younger patients whereas the influence of localization and the volume of contusion focuses on the restitution of language was not found. Due to the frequency and the significance of language disturbances in the closed head injuries a systematic diagnosing and language rehabilitation are to be applied.
